I know too well how if feels to be disempowered and almost like a a victim of your circumstances. For years, this has been my default unconscious pattern. But even though it seems impossible, it IS possible to take your power back and stand strong as who you are at your core.
Firstly you need to recognise when you have given your power away. This happens when you feel angry towards another person or you find yourself blaming another person for a situation you are in. There may even be resentment toward them. You feel like a victim of another or of your circumstance.
Then ask yourself these questions. Did I say yes when I really meant no? Did I express what was in my heart and speak up for myself? Am I judging the other person, wronging them? In what way am I attacking myself by criticizing myself or putting myself down.
Lastly, take a deep breath in see yourself pulling your power back in, then express your emotion without dumping it on someone else, speak your truth with love and build yourself back up by talking to yourself gently and with reverence..
Ok, I realise it may not be as straight forward or as easy as that but the gist of this post it that we can be aware when we give our power away, we can pull our power back in and we can stand strong in our power.
As always, please reach out if you would like help in any of the above.
With gratitude.