Hi I'm Janice, I guide women out of stress and frustration towards joy, inner peace and well-being

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Our health is the most valuable asset we have in life.


And when we get sick, it can feel like everything else takes a back seat.

Your job.  Your hobbies.  Even the people you love.

But here’s the thing about illness:

Just like everything else in life, it happens for a reason – and often, it’s our body communicating with us that something needs to change in our lives.  

Too many people make the mistake of waiting until they get sick to reflect and make changes – so let’s start now.

Are you working in a job that lights you up, or is it the same drudgery every day?

Do you have a nice car and house, but feel it’s all a bit meaningless and empty?

Do you tick all of the boxes for what a good life ‘should’ be, but still feel disconnected?

Why settle for chronic stress, frustration, unhappiness when you could create a life that feels good and experience a brighter energy?

Now is the time to make a change for a healthier you and a brighter future.

If you’re ready to

  • Drop the mask and pretense you keep up in everyday life
  • Feel more joy, connection, and genuine excitement
  • Discover the life you were always meant to live
  • Enjoy deeper, more meaningful relationships with the ones you love
  • Live and love every moment of your life

I am here to empower you to achieve you to achieve all of that and more.

As a doctor turned empowerment coach , I take women from looking like they have it all together, to FEELING like they are vibrant, aligned and connected to their purpose.

Photo by coach Lisa Fabrega

Before our coaching session I was feeling stuck, I couldn’t see what’s in front of me. I felt not good enough. I was afraid of failing and afraid of my dream not working out. After our coaching session I felt absolutely wonderful. I believe in myself and recognise how far I have come and where I am now. I feel so grateful for Janice for guiding me through this process. I truly loved my session with Janice. She is truly beautiful and compassionate in guiding me through my fears and showing me that I can achieve my heart’s desires. She was very patient while I was making sense of what was running through my head and guided me through the session empowering me in the direction that I am heading. I know she will brighten many lives with her gentle caring.
– Vickie V

From the Blog

The single most important habit

We all have questions in life.  Shall I quit this job?  Do I move to another location? How do I parent my child? Then there are those deeper questions which some of us ask. Why do I feel so unhappy even though I seem to have everything?  What is my purpose in this life? Can

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Do you have a tendency to blame?

I have spent many years of my life feeling disempowered.  In my mind, I was blaming my husband or my child or my circumstance for the way I was feeling.  It was always someone elses’ fault. Needless to say, the result was me feeling angry or frustrated or just a plain victim. I was feeling

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Are you tired?

I am tired. This was a very common presentation in my 18 years working as a general practitioner. From mothers to working individuals to adolescents. I am tired seems to be a prevalent symptom which presented itself to me. Sometimes there was something medically obvious which accounted for the tiredness but more often than not,

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